We attended Frisco's Annual Merry Main Street tonight. We even got Grandma & Grandpa to come along with us this year. We all rode on the carriage drawn by horses, shopped in Santa's store, ate some great food-none of which was good for us, saw the Christmas tree lit to start the holiday season, looked at the decorated gingerbread houses and model trains. We aslo listened to Frisco's 27 Elementary school choirs and even watched Ashley throw the baseball 53 mph and set the record for the girls. She is pretty proud of herself! We had a fun family time together!
We are the McDonald 5! Mike, Kristen, Ashley, Dylan & Megan. We named our site McDonald Madness because we are always on the run. We are busy, busy, busy, but love every minute of our lives. We hope this site will keep you all updated as to what we are up to.