Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent Memorial Day at the Hallman's. Dean & Linda joined us for the festivities. Tim grilled out and we spent the day outside having fun in the sun. I think the kids (especially Megan) spent the entire day in the pool. We had a wonderful time!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wespy Awards-Spring 2011

We spent the day at Wakeland attending their version of the ESPN Espy Awards - the WESPY's. Ashley was recognized for both basketball and softball today. Coach Southard (her softball coach) honored her with the Quad "D" Award - Determination, Desire, Dedication , Dicipline. He spent a good amount of time talking about her and as a parent said some of the nicest things you could imagine. We are so proud of the young lady Ashley has become.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ashley's Last Day

Well, Ashley finished school this year a week before the rest of us. She was exempt from all of her finals (next week) due to her outstanding TAKS scores. She was commended on all of them and wrote a 4 (the best possible score) on her composition. We are so proud of you Ashley Renee!! We officially have a JUNIOR in HIGH SCHOOL!!! Where has the time gone?

Certificate of Merit

Each 9 weeks Megan's school has a Celebration of Learning in which teachers put together a "show" for the kids and each teacher nominates two students that demonstrate the social skill in which they are focusing on. Megan received the award this nine weeks for her POSITIVE ATTITUDE!! She was so excited!! I was actually passing out the awards this time and I got to give it to her. :) So proud Megan Michelle! Always keep that positive attitude!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jimmy Buffett

It was the annual Jimmy Buffett weekend in Frisco, TX. Our friends Mike & Mary had an rv out there this year and we headed out to join them. We also sold prints from an airial view of last year's festivities to help raise money for the Scott Sullivan Scholarship Fund. It is amazing to see the expense and time that people put into their rv's and golf carts for this event. FUN TIMES!!